Joan Peabody

Just finished 101 Km of open water rowing in Belize to prepare for the 180 mile La Ruta Maya Belize River Challenge which runs from March 3-6. I would not be able to do this event without my 18’ Heritage Carbon as the platform for my training. Thanks for all your...

Craig Sutherland

New Hampshire “I have always been attracted to classics, just never thought I would get exercise with one.” Craig...

Paul Abbott, Jr.

New Mexico “I appreciate all the effort the team at Little River put into providing me a first quality boat, answering all my questions and providing me the information or advice that I needed. If the opportunity arises, I will enthusiastically recommend Little...


Port Charlotte Hello to all – “I love my Heritage 15….”...


Connecticut I received my Heritage 15 this weekend. Skip Gundlach was very helpful in instructing me on the boat and rowing techniques....